More needs to be done to make the local population in Cameroon aware of the legal protection that the country's rare animals are covered by, a conference has been told.The local Post newspaper reported that the ministry of forestry and wildlife organised a workshop that stressed to stakeholders that one of the most effective ways to curb wildlife poaching in the country would be to make more people aware of the relevant laws.What's more, the speakers at the event claimed that the complexity of the country's wildlife laws made it difficult to prosecute people caught poaching.To improve the situation, forestry and wildlife minister Elvis Ngolle Ngolle reportedly told the conference that the relevant laws were already being taught in some academic institutions in the country.The minister stressed that the illegal exploitation of forest resources was a major problem in Cameroon and that the government was permanently engaged in efforts to curb poaching.Recently, the US ambassador to the west African nation warned that poaching was a serious problem.Janet Garvey said that it was deeply "worrying" that the illegal killing of rare animals appeared to be increasing at the moment in Cameroon.Help IAR save animals from suffering around the world.News brought to you by International Animal Rescue, saving animals from suffering around the world.
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