The Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) Paper and Board Industry Advisory Committee (PABIAC) has launched the second phase of its plan to improve the health and safety performances of companies which operate in the papermaking, corrugated packaging and recovered paper sectors.Entitled Making a Difference 2008-2011, the initiative sets out the strategic direction for health and safety in the industry for the next three years and sets targets for firms to aim for, one of which is to reduce the annual injury incidence rates from the current figure of around 1,170 per 100,000 employees to 850.Other areas highlighted include improving health and safety management performance and demonstrating a continuously improving health and safety climate.James Barrett, head of the HSE's manufacturing sector, said: "Making a Difference 2008-2011 will help encourage those companies who have yet to show real progress to make a start on the road to improvement and will encourage those who have already made good progress to maintain their momentum."The PABIAC alliance consists of the HSE, the Trades Union Congress and the Confederation of British Industry.According to the HSE, the main causes of injury in the paper industry include manual handling and slips and trips.
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